Eiyu*Senki Gold - A New Conquest
A young man takes up his sword and leads an army in search of his missing past. Carefully plan strategic turn-based battles against adorable portrayals of historical and mythical world heroes, as you conquer the globe... for not well-explained reasons!
In the ancient far Eastern country of Zipang, a storm is brewing. The country enjoys a period of peace and its unique culture flourishes thanks to the isolationism imposed by the great Ancient Hero, Yamato Takeru. But the heart of one lone hero, Masamune Date, burns with the fire of ambition in this seemingly content land.
After coming across a young man, void of all his memories, on the shores of Zipang, she puts her plans in motion to challenge Takeru. Should they succeed, they will force open the country's borders and begin an epic adventure filled with exotic lands, fierce battles, and new conquests!
Fact Sheet
- Publisher
- Developer
- Tenco
- Release Date
- February 5, 2021
- On Steam Spring 2021
- Platform
- PC
- Available In
- English
- Links
- Steam Store Page
- JAST Store Page
- Downloads
- All Image Files


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